For most of us, the quest to stay healthy and live a longer life is a common pursuit. However, our living environment has been much polluted, and even destroyed by the economic and industrial developments that overwhelmed us. Like it or not, this hasresulted in the intrusion of toxins into our body thereby putting our health at stake. Today, our basic necessities for survival such as water, air and food have all become highly toxic, such that when we eat or breathe, we are actually taking in toxins intoour system. Needless to say, this is hazardous to our health. Those of us with weakimmune system are prone to be infected with a multitude of diseases. Alarmed by the health hazard, many scientists and medical specialists have sinceendeavoured to look for physiotherapeutic and preventative cures for the diseases. Consequently, scores of products were invented in the effort to alleviate the diseases. And thus, in the past ten years especially, millions of health care products were being launched in the market. What worries us however is that, many of us can no longer bear or cope with the ever increasing medical fees. This was perhaps the reason why developed countries havesince sought to be self-reliant in term of providing health benefits to their citizenry. Realizing that toxin in human body actually causes disease, scientists have started tofocus their research on ways and means to neutralize or remove the element The sad reality however is that, toxin keeps on intruding into our body even as they are removed. No wonder that some medical report had it that excretion of toxin from human body may take ten years or longer. Today, we need to pay tribute to the Japanese medical community for the researchthat they had undertaken. Their research on how trees grow, and the secrets behind their strong and lush growth, had opened up new medical horizons for us to further improve our state of health. They spent some 26 years on their research before they finally formulated "KINOTAKARA", nature's gift of the century.

The exploitation of KINOTAKARA as a health care product is entirely based onscientific research and laboratory testing.It all started with the "rediscovery" of the forests. Forests are the main sources ofoxygen for humans. More than that, trees and plants also act as antidotes for many diseases. Further, hidden behind the growth of trees are the secrets and intelligence that seem to be governed by some mystical power. Dr. Kawase Itsuko, the founder of this health care therapy, hypothesised that if treescould grow for ages without any aid, humans too should be able to live longer if they could discover and harness the secrets behind the growth of trees. Dr. Kawase had observed the trees and the conditions under which they grew since she was a kid. She noticed that trees, especially those in the deep forest, grew practically all by themselves. More importantly, she discovered that the trees could prosper despite having no personal care from humans and despite having to under gochanges of seasons and harsh conditions. Dr Kawase is a sensei in Japan. The facts showed however that in her research. Dr Kawase at times used and adopted western medical and technological skills. The wise move saw her using a stethoscope in an effort to hear and understand how roots oftrees absorb water fiom under the ground. Among the stunning discoveries made byher was that, some of the bigger trees are capable of absorbing huge amount of underground water daily while producing surges of seeping sound. She also found that through a purification process that is taking place in the roots, high quality water is transported to the trunk, branches and leaves, presenting thereby a lively and energetic scene.

After 26 years of hard work and a thorough application of certain eastern medical theories Dr Kawase gained an unprecedented result when she discovered that the resinous substance or wood vinegar of sorme trees actually possesses detoxifying functions. She also discovered that the great absorbing power of the wood vinegarmakes it fit to be used as a physiotherapeutic cure, as well as for the easing of painsand swells. After hundreds of experiments Dr Kawase eventually concluded that the wood vinegar in Oak trees, Sakura trees and Beech trees possesses special detoxifying functions. What followed was that, she purified and processed the wood vinegar by burning it under extreme heat, adding in several natural ingredients, grinding them into powder and putting them into packets. This is how she came out with the detoxifier of the century, "KINOTAKARA", which is to be placed under one's sole. KINOTAKARA, the detoxifier, is best placed under one's sole as it is the place with more than 60 acupuncture points, out of over 360 distributed over the human body. Both the western and eastern medical studies view the sole as the area that reflects the health of our internal organs, and often treat it as our second heart. This explains why many of us would want to have a foot massage, as the exercise would ease the nerves,enhance blood circulation and consequently promote health.The problem with foot massage, however, is that, it can only be carried out by aqualified masseur. The activity also requires suitable time and venue thus making its not very user friendly. Now, with KINOTAKARA placed under your sole, you areactually having a foot massage and at the same time excreting toxin from your body.We are glad to recommend to and share with the public KINOTAKARA, thedetoxifier that is to be placed under the sole. This discovery of the century will helpus pursue a healthy life. Other than its foot massaging function, KINOTAKARA has another amazing function in that it excretes toxin in the blood of human body throughthe sole. Apply it for a night, and you will discover that the original powder form of KINOTAKARA will change to dampened sticky mud-like substance, and its originaly ellowish' colour will also turn into brown, grey or even black. All these indicate thatthe toxin that has circulated to the sole has been excreted from the body.At the initial stage of using KINOTAKARA, you may experience a slight muscle pullor a faster blood circulation. This is not a cause for worry as they are normal symptoms indicating that KINOTAKARA is actually functioning. Continue to apply KINOTAKARA for three consecutive days. You will sleep better and will wake up fresher and more energetic.

According to Takao Matsusita, the Chairman of Wood Vinegar Energy Research Association of Japan, and a health care expert who participated in the research and sales of "KINOTAKARA", the sale of the foot care sheet in Japan has reached 20billion Yen per month (RM 70 million). The disclosure has encouraged more medical experts to join in the research and manufacturing of KINOTAKARA, resulting inmore health values being added to the product. Japanese medical literature has also cited the experience of Dr Honbe Katsahira Sato, ('Dr Honbe') who affirmed that he has received feedback that KINOTAKARA is very effective in relieving tiredness of the feet, in improving the condition of the heartand kidney patients, in enhancing blood circulation and in deflating swells. The Director of the Orthopaedics College, one Dr Anto, said that KINOTAKARA is effective in enhancing blood circulation. According to him, he knew of an 80 year-old patient who suffered from difficulty in walking but was able to walk again the next day after using KINOTAKARA. Professor Yamayoshi from the University of Sports, Japan also benefited from thediscovery of KINOTAKARA. A leading player in his soccer team was suffering from swells and pain in his knees for which the doctors could not somehow diagnose. Amidst fear that he would lose the match. Prof. Yamayoshi applied KINOTAKARA to the player. The next day, the KINOTAKARA that was placed under the sole has changed colour and simultaneously the swellings and the pains were gone.

Thus, with the help of KINOTAKARA, Prof Yamayoshi's players performed to their capacity and the team succeeded in winning the match. "KINOTAKARA" is truly the new favourite health care and physiotherapeutic product in Japan. The product in a way reflects the perseverance of the Japanese medical exponents to discover ways to help the general public to live longer and pursue a healthy lifestyle. The advent of "KINOTAKARA" in Japan became all the more significant as the country was experiencing great economic and industrial expansions, thereby exposing its people to a my rid of toxin related diseases.

KINOTAKARA provides a natural way for detoxification, and by that gives the people new hopes to alleviate the diseases and maintain their health. You will find the product speak for itself after using it for sometime. When the sachet starts to show little change in its colour, or when it gets dryer and becomes less foul, that is clear sign that detoxification has been carried out in your body. Its major detoxification function aside, KINOTAKARA also helps us regain our health.