For many of us health and longevity are what we desire. Depending on the level of our awareness, we try to attain them in a more or less active way. To start the discussion on that topic, it is necessary to realize the presence of many factors which have an influence on the human body, acting as toxins from the polluted environment. These are the result of economic and industrial progress, electromagnetic smog, and stress. We must also realize that the water we drink andthe air we breathe is not the same as it used to be years ago. More over, the food of the 21st century is expected to be, first of all, cheap and have a long expiry date.

The best place to apply the health pads is on the sole of the foot, erase because according to classical Chinese medicine, 61 of the 360 acupuncture points placed on the human body, mainly on the lines called meridians are localized there. According to Far Eastern Medicine, the sensitivity of feet, appearance of the tongue, earand face reflect the condition of our inner organs. Applying Kinotakara health pads on the feet stimulates the inner organs andachieves an effect similar to a massage. The difference is that during massage theresults are reached only mechanically. Kinotakara health pads is based on a physico-chemical interaction, which cause results to the removal of toxins from the body, stimulation of the receptors with the far infrared radiation and interaction with the high concentration of negative ions. Another function of Kinotakara health pad is lymphatic drainage. The influence of this system cannot be over estimated.

Correctly performed, properly functioning drainage of the lymphatic
system may cause such positive effects as:
a)reducing swelling
b)detoxification of the system
c)chronic pain relief
d)tissue regeneration
e)relief from sinusitis
f)skin regeneration
g)immune system stimulation
h)decrease of symptoms of chronic tiredness and muscle pain
Another presented property of the health pad is osmotic cataplasm influence.
Although cataplasms have been used from the beginning of human civilization, they appeared much earlier in the animal kingdom. The usage of cataplasms canbe observed among sick or disabled animals, which instinctively roll in the mud, hoping to have toxins drawn out. Amazingly often, some relief in pain generally ensues. This kind of observation has helped to prove that cataplasms increase blood flow, relax tense muscles and remove toxins from the infected area of the body. From a scientific point of view, these actions are the result of the osmotic gradient, which is the difference in the substance's concentration across a permeableor a semi-permeable cell membrane. The concentration balance is reached due to the molecules migrating through the membrane. This principle explains the molecule movements across the membranes in the human body. Since toxins havea greater concentration in the body than in the surrounding environment, there will be a natural predisposition to remove the toxins from the body. The reverseis also true, therefore poultices health pads may be used to apply therapeutic remedies percutaneously (through the skin). Kinotakara is intended first of all for inflammatory processes treatment, pain relief, drawing pus cells from infectedwounds, ulcers or boils. Poultices health pads make an excellent vehicle for theremoval of systemic toxins. By this action, the immune, nervous and hormonal systems action is recharged.
The last described element of Kinotakara's medical action is the far infrared radiation effect:
Far infrared radiation (FIR) is an invisible electromagnetic wave, which isfound next to the red end of the spectrum. Scientists have discovered FIR to have physiological activity. More over, the radiation is safe and does not cause any harmful thermal effects. Research presented in 1993 confirmed the fact of FIR's abilityto stimulate white blood cell activity, increasing the immune response. In 2002 Yooand Park confirmed in their article that FIR vitalizes skin cells and increases blood flow. FIR acts by the stimulation of the hypothalamus, the region of the brain responsible for neuro messenger production, having influence on a number of physiological functions.
In consequence it acts by the stimulation of:
1.parasympathetic nervous system
2.sympathetic nervous system
3.endocrine gland activity
In consequence, we find an influenceon:
1.systemic fluid distribution
2.food intake
3.body temperature
5.cardiovascular system (pulse, blood pressure, respiration)

Caution should be taken in the following cases: heart disease- using haematinics-pregnancy (relative indication)- children younger than 3 years old (relative indication)- patients with implants- patients with heart stimulator (pacemaker)
If you require more information, contact our medical consultant.
The detoxifying effects of Kinotakara are observed delete after just a few hours after proper application . The change of its colour from white to brown, grey, red, dark brown and green or even black may be noticed. This indicates the partial removal of the body's toxins. At the beginning of using Kinotakara health pad, slight muscle tension, pinsand needles, faster blood circulation and a feeling of heat in the feet may occur. It is observed that after 3-4 days of continuous application of the applying the poultice health pad, intense sweating of the body or even an unpleasant smell of sweatmay be noticed. These are normal symptoms of Kinotakara activity, so it should notbother you. Further usage of the poultice health pad for the next 3 days will make you sleep more effectively and after waking up one will feel fresh and full of energy. If the described effect does not occur, it proves the large amount of hemotoxins arepresent deposited in the body and continuous use of the health pad is recommended until described effect is felt.
During Kinotakara treatment it was observed that the colours of used poultices health pads varies from one patient to another were different in different patients. We started to collect information about the general health condition of the patientsin order to refer it to a particular poultice health pad colour after using. That way, some presumptions about the correlation between the colour and the particular disease were made. It may be useful in further diagnostics and treatment. Further research confirmed these presumptions.
Below are delete presented specific colours correlated with particular meridian dysfunctions and related symptoms.
Green colour: Liver / Gall bladder. Patients who had that colour on the poultice health pad suffered from a feeling of heat, increased cholesterol level and fatty degeneration of the liver.
Red colour in a blood stain form: Heart / Small intestine. Typical of patientsin a bad psychological condition change-strong words, suffering from circulatory disturbances, absorption problems, chronic inflammatory pain.
Yellow colour: Spleen / Stomach. Feature typical for people with blood circulation problems same with red color, immune and digestive system disturbances.
White colour: Lungs / Colon. This type of colour is rarely observed, it points to disease localized in the urinary system disturbances, with a segment or a general localization.
Problems with falling sleep disorder and the feeling of cold (e.g. cold feet)
This disease, called insomnia, in many cases is difficult to cure by taking Sleeping pills. Improper blood circulation causes head and feet temperature anomalies. As a result, the head is overheated and the feet are cold. The head is sensitive because of the blood flow. That causes sleeping problems. All of that can make you a so-called "chilly guy". In this case, apply the plaster on the reflex points on your feet- nerve fiber clusters connected to the central nervous system - the solar plexus on the bottom of the foot. The nervous reflex of the solar plexus is localized just under the front part of the dorsal foot surface. If you still have sleeping problems after applying in this way, place the plaster on the top part of the feet.

In the case of neck or shoulder pain due to sleeping problems, apply 1-2 plasters to cover
the tender part of the shoulder or the neck; see the picture. Also place the plasters on the
reflex points on the feet corresponding to the neck and cervical part of the back bone.
the tender part of the shoulder or the neck; see the picture. Also place the plasters on the
reflex points on the feet corresponding to the neck and cervical part of the back bone.

Shoulder- blade pain
When you feel pain on the inner shoulder blade surface, caused by high blood pressure or
other reasons, stick the plasters on the reflex points on your feet.
other reasons, stick the plasters on the reflex points on your feet.

Arm and hand region pain due to cold arms
If you cannot lift your arms forward, place the plasters on the inferior anterior part of your armpits; and if you cannot move your arms backwards, apply the plasters on the inferior posterior part of the armpit and appropriate reflex points on the feet.

Sacral region pain
Place 2 plasters on the arches by the loins and another one on the inner part of the feet,reflex point of the loins, covering the lower side of the foot.

Persistent sacral region pain
Stick the plasters on the buttocks, the outside part of the thighs and calves just under the knees.

and much more...